Vintage gay porn comic tumblr

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It’s got a black background with a huge pink and purple word at the top of the page “Sleaze.” Not sure why he chose that word or the word just came with the page layout and he didn’t have the option to change it. The design or the layout of the page is simple and classy. Most of the content is not his, he probably just posts them or reblogs them from other gay porn bloggers. Whatever he enjoys watching or reading or looking at, he posts it on his Tumblr. Except the content is controlled and all follows a theme - the guy’s thoughts. I can’t find the name of the owner of this specific Tumblr account. Updating my Tumblr would be the highlight of my day. I followed really funny bloggers, bloggers who blog about important moral issues, real stories that inspire people, and just a whole bunch of funny shit. I was pretty addicted to it, I updated it almost every day for 2-3 years. Although I still did have a lot of fun updating my Tumblr. I was young and naive and didn’t know better. I had a Tumblr when I was younger but of course, it wasn’t sex filled and with cocks every corner of the page. You can post pictures, GIFs, stories, comics, essays, videos, and basically anything you want! Plus there’s no filter since you can post as many dicks as you want. I love Tumblr! For those of you who don’t know what Tumblr is, it’s basically a blog where you can follow other bloggers and repost their content onto your own page.

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