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I thought, well, if I’m with her in person, she most certainly will lie and I most certainly will be nervous, or not, and be unable to tell.” “What I found was that when I watched her in interviews, I started to pick up on the nuances of when she was telling the truth and when she was lying. “It was important to me that I became not only curious, but fascinated and fixated on what happened to this woman that she would make such a terrible mistake and that all these men in this family would come together and that they would be fighting over the money, over the power and the balance of wealth in an Italian family,” Gaga continued at the screening. I took that pain and I gave it to her.” Though the actress hasn’t met the real-life Reggiani, she said last year during a post-screening Q&A in Los Angeles that she “read everything that I could possibly find” about the convicted murderer, who served 18 years in prison and was released early in 2016 due to credit for good behavior. Of her murderous role, Gaga told THR: “I took the pain I feel from being attacked when I was a young girl, from feeling left behind by people that I love, from feeling trapped that I can’t go out into a world that I love.

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